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Vernon Pottery
1066 Chriscoe Rd.
Seagrove, NC 27341
(336) 879-2788

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Vernon Pottery was started in 1994 by Hogue and Josarah Vernon. From 1985 until 1994, Hogue worked for Rowe Pottery in Wisconsin, and turned 25,000 pounds of clay yearly into pottery. In the 9 years that Hogue was there, he made every shape (over 100), at one time or another.

Vernon Pottery is currently producing a wide line of wares, from 10 oz. coffee mugs to 12 gal. planters. Their surface treatments include slip-trailing, carving, multiple glazes, and overglaze brushwork. Although many items are made in series, and an attempt is made to keep them in stock, they also produce one of a kind pots. Their shop is open year round, 10-5, Mon-Sat, and they invite you to stop by whenever you are in the Seagrove area. Vernon Pottery participates in the Seagrove Pottery Festival (Sun. before Thanksgiving), and The Spring Kiln Opening (3rd. weekend of April).

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